Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Good God!" Girl

Check out this mega-blonde hotness!
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Holly Heather Hogans

Sketched this babe, and should really do more...oh yeah, nice nipples
and uh, NSFW!  Lookout!
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Masters Again

Just posting some old scans, stuff from a while back

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Nude Back woman Realistic

a bit of a life drawing (but not really), I call it realistic, because it is more than the other things, mostly...
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Brunette Bun Head

she's asking you a question, do you hear?
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Profile Girls

    Three in one, three profiles pasted together from mostly, separate pages, and they're all looking left...
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P2 Babe

See the movie P2, and see Rachel...uh, whatsername, and watch her try to remember where she put her car, I think, she's pretty sure she's parked on level P2, and thus, the name.
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Monday, June 9, 2008

Jumping Rope Naled

This one just came out of the pencil, I don't know that I even knew what she was doing until it was almost finished, I like that her head is cartoony-big too, I especially like the shadows, and the light source coming from below.
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Googie Face man

Sometimes you just feel line making a face!
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Tanlines Poser

Very odd tanlines, ya gotta watch what you wear when you're out in the sun!
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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Madonna's Acolyte

She's such a fan of Madonna, she actually dresses like her...while she rides the bus even!
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Scarlet Witch Bikini

If the Scarlet Witch wore a bikini...yeah, real high concept huh?
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Uh, Don't be Creepy

"Uh, Don't be Creepy"  Apparently it's a crime on flickr to take a picture of someone of the opposite sex, in public, but hey, it ain't to draw something of the like, right, so eat this for breakfast lunch and I still on this, yeah, and may be for a while, who knows.
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Space Girl

Created in the cool (yet a little underpowered) software Artrage.  It's sorta like Painter, and it only cost twenty bucks (for the download) from what I remember.  Here's a little thing I did of a girl in her skin-tight spacesuit.(...No Nudity)  She's a voluptuous cutie hmm?
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"Mapoor the Forgotten", hunchback, and social reject...drawn when I was feeling a little bit of an outcast when my account was under scrutiny for showing graphite (not graphic) depictions of breasts, and women in general.  As it turns out, they were just drawing, hey whadaya know? Just drawings, hmm.  Just like this, is not actually a man with a twisted wreck  of a body, hunchback included,  nor is he a social outcast. Why? because he's just a drawing, live with that Flickrs!
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Jenice Hildebrandt

A fairly raw sketch, meaning I didn't clean it up too much.
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Friday, June 6, 2008

Wonder Woman Sketch Scan Original

Here's the unvarnished original sketch, a un-processed raw scan.
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Wonder Woman Laughs!

As Fresh as they come, so fun I had to scan and color it tonight, the night it was drawn...
with a little ben-day halftone goodness thrown in.
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Walking Naked Shadows

A little sketch I did on my lunch break
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Teaser Posing

A little Classic Pin-Up Cheesecake...what a Teaser, with a capital "T"
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Barbie Buttocks

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Adventurous Ursula

In a "Dr. No" kind of Bikini (complete with dive knife strapped to her thigh), Ursula, belts out her favorite show tune at her audition.
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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Weird pose of a sketch...

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Fixin' Her Boob

I saw this one night at the club, everyone was watching as she adjusted some really well shaped manufactured cleavage
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Knocking Babe

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Vulcan Mammary Glands

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Busty Aerobics Girl

I think I like the original version, post that next
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Angelina Running

In anticipation of her upcoming movie Wanted, I post this little scrawl from a few months back, with a color accents recently added...yeah, I think her boobs are bigger than that, especially now, since she's pregnant.
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Desiree Johnsone anyone?

I love a name like that, don't you?

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Holding my Head

"cut your nose off to spite your face" or cut off YOUR head...I forget how that goes.
"So much blood"
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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Anvil Ass Girl

Here's one I scanned a while back, and I didn't do such a great job equualizing, and adjusting the contrast as I try to do now, but the dialog made me laugh, and I like her expression...
Plus, you know there are girls who are very proud of their butts, and aren't she about it.

Also this drawing came out so well, that I thought for a long time I must've subconsciously stolen it, but from where I don't know.
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Pop Liz

...and I hope that you're happy now!
-Elvis Costello

Based on an old friend on mine from the restoration Hardware days, she always liked those faux-fur collars.
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Busty Sweater Girl

Sweet...Innocent...Does she look like she's out to offend community standards? Heck no!  She's not bad, she's just drawn that, a minute, that's a line from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (actually, more of a paraphrase than a direct quote, but you get the idea) I wouldn't want to be accused of being a plagerist on the same day that my (flickr) account was flagged as inappropriate for public consumption, would I, again, I say, Heck no!
We can talk about what Bill Clinton lied about, and what he did while he was in the white house, and what he did with a certain intern, and his cigar, and what happened to sully her, I'm sure fabulous, and flattering, blue dress, on the nightly news for all to see, but we cannot have a little graphite circle, within another graphite circle, which of course would represent, in a completely artistic, and if not artistic, then completely cartoony, way, the female areola!
But since there's no rule about cleavage, since you can see worse on a public beach or on a tv talk show, or on a soap opera, well then, here's  this l'il sketch o' mine. 
And if you don't like the fact that I've turned all of my "offensive" drawings private, well, then you can thank the party pooper who decided that my goofy little drawings were offensive, and needed to be stopped!  Or at least kept from public view.  So until my account is reviewed as "safe" again, my whole account is restricted, nice huh, thanks party pooper,. it's not like I was getting a ton of hits on my photos, but now they're restricted too, ah well, live and learn.  Y'know in Europe, they have public television stations with what we in "the land of the free" would deem at the very least, "soft core porn" and they have way lower crime rates.  But here in the U.S. of A-holes, we have almost every crime investigation TV show starting out with the brutal murder of a woman...yeah. that's normal. 
As someone once said "you can show a breast being stabbed, but not one being caressed" (i'm sure they meant a clothed breast getting stabbed and/or caressed, but you get the idea.)
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Shower-Up with Kelly!

I like this one, I threw in the blue overlay at the last minute, and I think it works, of course, that's just my opinion, right, I'm just the guy who drew it, never mind me hmm?
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She's a heartbreaker, breadmaker, bloodtaker, don't you dress a-lot like her...wait, she's naked, well, if you've got the body to pull it off, by God, you go right ahead!  Oh and one more thing, could you put your hands down at your sides?
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I am the Hero Lady!

What would happen if you never grew up, and always wanted to play superhero by tying a towel around your neck, and ran around doing good...well, maybe you'd get a few weird looks, and maybe you'd get the cops called on you!
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Curvy Coupla Girls

Scanned from a pretty small sketch  on an 8.5X11 page.  I scanned it at about 800dpi, so I could blow it up, and so I did.  Cleaned up of course, and then I did a little overlay of color, with a few cutouts.
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Brilliant Sunrise Profile

She sure looks morose...well, that's  before the clouds parted, and she sighed and relaxed
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Draw Me!

Draw Me, and win!  Send in for a free lesson on drawing!
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Monday, May 26, 2008

Pin-Up Dreamer

Copyright©2008 Shawn J. Campbell A.K.A. Scamble

A simple pin-Up really, nice huh?
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Stylized Profile girl

A style I tried out, funky hmmm.
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Chubby Girlfriend Figure Study

So before she was the girlfriend of an ex-friend, I knew her when she was in junior college, eighteen, and vibrant.  She loved to run around naked, and it took time to make her sit still, but when she did, I would sketch her, believe it or not, they're real.

(Special thanks to Michael Crichton)
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Dance Sketch

A little dance sketch
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Pear Behind

cartoony patootie
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Mohawk nudie

multi-colored and wild, like her.
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Who's Peeking?

Caught looking weren't you?
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The Distractor

Spot color, lending a bit of attention to her...zipper
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